Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I don't often have time to read...

But I've been making an effort to do so this semester.  I read the Hunger Games and they were pretty good.  I read Hugo, also good.

I absolutely ADORED 'Angel's Kiss' (a Doctor Who book).  I read it in just over 24 hours (I had to stop and do things like school and homework and stuff).  But I completely enjoyed it! I even livetumbled all of my favorite lines from it.  (The ones that weren't TOO spoilery.  Though, ALL of the lines were spoilery.  And, considering the fact that it's River we're talking about, EVERYTHING is a spoiler.)  You should read that book, btw, if you like Doctor Who.

Last night, I just finished Divergent.  Good book, written very well.  I'm going to start the sequel after Tucscon Comic Con this weekend.  I'm not going to say too much on it because I'm still processing everything that happened in the last few chapters.  O.O

Erm, that's all I'm going to say for now, I've got class starting in a couple of minutes.

the obligatory 'about me' post

I’m 20.  I’ve been a writer for pretty much as long as I can remember.  Though the first fully written out stories of mine only date back to when I was about 12 or 13, I know for a fact that I was creating rather in-depth stories long before that.  
I finished my first book that I’d actually like to get published some day back when I was roughly 15.  If I had published it shortly thereafter, it would have been pretty darn good.  For a high schooler.  But now, I can’t publish that, because my writing has changed greatly in the last 5 (has it only been that many?) years.  
My goal as of tomorrow, is to (start) rewriting that book to something that is on par with my writing level now.  Then, I will probably self publish it on Amazon after I’ve had free readers (ALL my family and friends) read through it.  
That’s my plan.  
This blog? 
This blog is because everyone and their mother’s brother’s sister’s cousin has told me that as a writer, I should blog.  
So… I’m doing that.  
I guess I can give updates on the book and my life.  
I want to blog pretty regularly, I've been pretty good about my fanfic blog.  I started this blog originally on word press, but then I just failed at that (and now I can't remember my login /fail).  So I'm bringing it over here where I undoubtedly will post more!