Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Everyone has motivation.  Even characters.  

Some of them are motivated by love, others revenge, others a pursuit of honor.  Everyone is motivated by something.

Every writer should know their main character's motivation for sure.  To make a more rounded story, knowing the motivation of all the main characters (and even some of the minor ones) would also be helpful.

As of a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure what ANY of my characters' motivations were.  Well, it didn't take to long to figure out Jason's--he's all for the pursuit of gaining honor.  (Not REgaining it Zuko-style, just gaining some honor in general.)  William's on the surface is easier, but I really have to sit down and think about the deeper implications of his motivations.  Alice and Tristan became pretty easy.  Kat...I spent a while figuring out EXACTLY what her motivation is.  Because her motivation has to make sense, because she's the protagonist.  


Writer's problems.  

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