Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Well, it's not November anymore, but I'm still Writing

Of course I'm still writing.  I'm always writing.  It's kinda what I do.  Granted, I've spent most of the past 5 days writing papers.  Or, rather, one paper.  One big final paper that I really want to just be done with but I'm not.  I'll be done with it before Sunday though, because that's when it's due.  Today though, I've taken a break from the paper in favor of writing some.

I'm at 84K roughly.  Currently the only thought prevalent in my mind is how my book is totally going to be over 100K and how I'm either than going to have to cut it back to under 100K, or split it in two.  I'm not sure what would be better for the book, honestly.  I also don't think I should be thinking too hard about that now, because it will probably affect how I'm writing now.  Meh.  Writer's Problems.

I'm trying to make development of certain ideas take longer to come to fruition.  That's my big goal for this section of the novel.  Before, everything just kinda hit everything at once.  Now I'm making characters come to conclusions slower... because... it makes more sense that they would.  There's still a conclusion that no one's drawn yet that was drawn five chapters (well, if I had chapters in the previous draft) ago in the previous draft.  

Plus, I have to illustrate tension between a particular set of characters.  And I have to illustrate it particularly well.  It's difficult.  Because of who they are.  Yup.  Anyway.  

So, yeah.  Erm... that's all I have to say now at the moment...

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