Sunday, January 6, 2013

Climax of a Story

In regards to why it took me so long to finish this darn draft...

Another reason I think may be a possibility is that this draft didn't had a similar climax to the other drafts (or the sequels, which I haven't touched yet...) 

See, because of the split, I had to create enough drama/rising action to justify a climax to justify an ending to this novel.  My roommate warned me that I needed to make sure it wasn't half-baked because she'd seen stories that had done that.  So I may have given myself a small complex trying to make sure it was "just-right."
I'm still not sure if it is or not.  It's functional, but... I have half a dozen first-readers who may tell me otherwise.  If they do, it's back to the drawing board for me... *doesn't want to think about this*

It's probably just nothing.  It's probably just because this draft is radically different.  

In previous drafts, before the split, I had chapters and chapters... (okay, that's a generalization, because this newly completed draft is the first one I've done that's actually HAD chapters as opposed to just little visual breaks (* * *).) Regardless, it felt like I had several chapters leading up to the climax, a chapter for the climax, and then a chapter or two of falling action before the epilogue.

The way this draft is written, with the climax at what it is, it's like I have several chapters of slowly rising action, then one or two chapters of quickly rising action, then one chapter for climax and falling action all in one before the epilogue.  It's... just... different...


I don't know.  It's not like I'm not happy with it... it's just different...

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