Monday, January 7, 2013

Finished! But... not...

Why yes, the writing is all finished.  

But the editing has only just begun.  I have given a number of people this draft and they, alongside myself, are painstakingly going through it to find things that don't quite line up.  

Some things are easy edits "you have the word 'her' here when you really should have 'here'".  Those edits, honestly make me facepalm, because they're so easily missed until someone points them out and everyone's just like... 'oh duh...'

Then there are edits like "are you sure that's the word you're looking for there?" "maybe you need to make this two sentences..." or "just take that phrase out, it's completely unnecessary."  These are also relatively simple to work with.  A quick-enough fix. 

Then there are things like "you should rename that" or "you made this word up, so how is it pronounced."  Those are.... well, hard for the first one and easy for the second.  *I* know how everything is pronounced, so it's an easy answer (at least, out loud... one of my first-readers told me that maybe I should put in a phonetics pronunciation guide for the words I made up... and I'm considering it.) As for renaming things... ugh... I have a list of things that probably should be renamed because they're the names for things that I made up YEARS ago and they sound fine to me... but not to other people.  Murrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  

Of course, then there are the questions... "Why is this special? You better make sure it stays special!" "Why does this species have this?" "You have *this* (magikal function) so why does *this* happen?"  These don't necessarily even have to be discussed IN the text.  *I* however, should know the answers to each and every one of these questions so I can write based on those answers.

And then... there's things like "this person's characterization is off, I need to fix that" and "this character's relationship to this character just plain needs help because it's affecting the story in ways that it shouldn't be" and "i need to change that because it's affecting how the story is read and it shouldn't" --all that stuff.  Which is highly important... and a pain to fix.  

I have my work cut out for me.


  1. Replies
    1. The School.
      Witch World (And also, potentially, Vamprisim)
      Onyx, for legitimate reasons...

    2. (ahah, late reply is late)
      Not surprised about the school... Once you think about it it's like "oh, yeah..."
      Guess I'm not surprised by those two, either.
      But why Onyx?

    3. I need to talk to you about that actually :P
