Monday, January 21, 2013

Who's reading?

A few weeks ago, I started sending out my story to my first-readers.  

I've gotten complete responses back from two out of the original 11 queries.

Rar (my sister) and Mitch (my roommate) have completely finished this draft and given me feedback. 

Bex (my good friend) is about 10 chapters  away from the ending and I wish she'd just finish it already! :P

Out of my fanfic-based readers, KKBeckett has gotten back to me through chapter 18 via emails every few chapters.  Flightfoot has gotten back to me through chapter 5 via emails ever chapter.  Cookie has gotten back to me through chapter 3.  I hope you all enjoy the rest of your read-through if you are reading this right now!

I believe my mother has not touched it as of yet due to no spare time... sadness.

My other good friend, Grim, didn't get the original PDF I sent him in a snafu with the emails.  I resent it to him...

My boyfriend hasn't made the time to read it and he feels bad.

The other two queries have not replied back to me after I initially sent it to them.  

Regardless, I, myself, am up through roughly chapter 20 of rereading it.  I am noticing the things other people have said to me and thinking of ways to make it better.  I had hoped that this would be the last major rewrite I would do for this book before I submitted it for publishing, but this is not the case.  I have at least one more ahead of me. 

I plan to start the next round of rewrites in mid-February.  I wish that everyone I initially queried would completely get back to me by that time, however, I understand that life gets crazy and school demands more of your time than you want it to.  (Coming from the girl who has been doing nonstop homework for the past two weeks, trust me... I know.)  

If nothing else, I have two complete feedbacks and I can pester Bex enough to get me a third before I start rewriting.

I don't entirely know why I'm posting this...

Maybe just for my own personal record.

Ciao for now!

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