Thursday, January 3, 2013

Not wanting it to end...

Sometimes I have to wonder why it took me a whole month to write 20K words when in the previous month I wrote 80K in the same amount of time (technically, a whole day less, too).   

I mean sure, December meant finals and Christmas and The Hobbit and finals and paperwork and crazy stuff at school and seeing family and all that stuff.

But November had Thanksgiving and seeing family and final papers and stuff too!

Though, November was NaNo, which means more of a drive, I suppose.

Regardless, I honestly think the main reason why it took me so long to write the last 20K is because I didn't want it to end.  Would it be the same way had I not split it and just kept writing for another month or two? Maybe, I can't say for sure.  But I came to the end of this draft a few days ago.  And I think I was stalling to spend that much more time with the characters this time around.

I'm serious about this, guys. 

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