Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's been a while since I've posted.  But... see... I've been busy.  Finals really takes it from you.  And then, after finals, there was going and seeing the Hobbit with my friends (which, was amazing, by the way, though I do need to re-read that book--when I have time!)

Then it was the last-minute holiday shabangs in my college town before heading back up to see my family for Christmas.

Oh, and then there was Disney! I went to Disneyland with my boyfriend and some of our mutual friends.  We had a blast.  (Though, this can kinda be filed under 'last-minute holiday shabangs'.)  Whatever.  I went to Disney.

Then Christmas happened.

Then I was writing.  Boy did I write!

And then there was New Years.

And some more writing!

And now I'm here blogging.  I hope to be blogging a tad more regularly, but... the semester starts next week, so I really can't make any promises based on my track record.

I'm here really just to make a note about how different it is for me to reach a word count with my books as opposed to my papers.  

A professor assigns me a paper, usually with a word count anywhere between 1,000 and 5,000 words.  (Depending on the type of paper.  1,000 words double-spaced is about 3 pages.  5,000 words is about 15 pages.  Ish.)  I always get the first few hundred out pretty fine... but then I'm struggling to continue.  It's ridiculous! I think to myself, 'man, this is rather hard'.  

But then... 1,000 words is less than a chapter for me in my book (or fanfics--I feel the need to mention those.)  Usually my chapters are between 2,000 and 4,000 words.  And I can write a chapter in a day if I'm in the mood.  I strive to write at least 1,000 words a day with my book.  Though, NaNo had me doing at least 2,000, really.  It comes easily to me most days.  (I do have my days where I'm like 'nope, this is not happening'.  But, I still write SOMETHING.)  

For me, writing my books just comes easier than writing papers.  It's who I am.  I'm more invested in my books than I am in papers.  And I think it's just funny the way 1,000 words seems really hard for a paper, but virtually nothing for my book.  

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