Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nano Challenge Day 10

Kay, so my book's based off of this really old Game that my sister and my best friend used to play.  Most of it weaves together into a coherent story.  But I still catch things that are OBVIOUS Game stuff.  The problem with the obvious things, is that the Game was a mashup of EVERYTHING the three of us found amusing at the time.  Everything from N'Sync (dating myself) references to Harry Potter.  I find little Easter Eggs that I wrote in that are so totally Game.  Many of them I can keep because it still works.  I found one today that totally doesn't.  A really obvious reference to Harry Potter that just can't stay if I ever want to get this published.  

Am I trying to make my books like Harry Potter? No.  Am I writing them as a Potterhead that grew up on those books? Oh yes.  It'd be impossible not to.  

In reference to the scene I was just talking about, I probalby could have taken it out entirely if it wasn't for the necessary character development that it leads to.  So, rewiting the scene it is!

Anyway, so, this novel has the potential to be ridiculously long.  The draft I'm revising from is 132+ thousand words.  I will certainly increase that length by the looks of things.  I am going to make more of a conscious effort not to include filler and fluff.  Not everything has to stay.  (There's nothing wrong with a long novel, I don't think... but I do want it to be a reasonable publishing length....)  *sigh* #writersproblems

Anyway, a bit of trivia for you: originally, I had two sets of twins.  Leah and Alan were twins just as Alice and William were.  However, now they're not twins.  I have to decide who's older and younger.  It also complicates things because Jon's his roommate, and I liked Leah and Jon being the same age (ish.)  If, however, they were different ages but still managed to be the same year... like.... Alan (or Leah, whoever was younger) just happens to be just a tad bit more bright or just close enough to the other to warrant being in the same year.  (The first thing I think of, actually, is Caleb and Tris from Divergent.)  I like the idea of Alan being younger, and still desiring to protect Leah like she's his little sis.  But, the two of them are close enough in age that they end up in the same year.  Jon ends up being Alan's roommate, despite being closer to Leah's age than Alan's.  Yes.  I like this.  Teehee! *claps excitedly*

(I'm not crazy, I swear.)

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