Friday, November 2, 2012

Nano Challenge Day 1

I still consider this day one, even though it's November 2nd where I am now.  I haven't gone to sleep yet, therefore, it's still day one.  

I'm about 300 words shy of the daily goal, but that's all right.  I wasn't even sure if I'd get to write at all today, what with trying to front-load all of my homework because of a con this weekend followed by my anniversary with my boyfriend.  

I'm really loving my project.  I'm already pretty well acquainted with my characters, because I'm rewriting a book I wrote in high school.  (It's not cheating, I swear!)  (See below posts for more info on that bit.)  

But really, it's not cheating.  I'm completely rewriting it entirely.  Like, so far, the only thing that's stayed relatively the same is the prologue, and that could change, even.  I've changed so many things about the first scene, even! The setting, in particular.  Therefore, the events happen differently.  The exposition comes in a different order.  And I'm totally cool with that! I'm liking how it's turning out.  

I may go finish that 300 words when I'm done posting this.  It depends on how tired I am.  And I'm pretty tired.  

Ah well, not a bad first day of Nano in the slightest!

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