Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nano Challenge Days 2-5

So... I spent Nano days 2-5 at a con, basically.  My sister, hereby known as rarmaster, came down to Tucson where the con was.  (Tucson Comic-Con.)  Tiny con, but I am part of the group called AZ TARDIS, which was invited to the con and we used the whole thing as a fundraiser for  JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).  We raised a lot of money for them, which was pretty darn sweet.  (AKA, we sold raffle tickets and raffled off Doctor Who paraphernalia.)  I cosplay as River Song, my boyfriend cosplays as Eleven.  (For you Doctor Who fans out there.)  

Then, combine that with Dungeons and Dragons... I didn't get too much writing done those three days.  I pretty much was drastically under-part.  (And I didn't catch up during that time.)  (I won't say if I'm caught up yet now or not though, because that's another blog post!)

Regardless, I had loads of fun.  

Most of my writing was more along the lines of research and stuff.  I completely came up with different names for the months and days of the week.  My book takes place in a completely different universe, so it makes sense for things like that to have different names.  Yes, I could continue to use things like August and September, Saturday and Monday, but what I came up with is pretty cool.  If you want to know, I can put in a completely separate post as to what I've done.  (I might do that anyway, but it'd still be nice if someone expressed interest...)

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