Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nano Challenge Days 20-22

So... these are kinda hard to do I've decided.  I want to talk about ALL THE THINGS, but only two people (okay, maybe like five, but I know only two people (one, really, actually, at the moment)) read this who have already read my books.  For everyone else, this is new stuff.  So, I can talk about characters all I want... but you won't get it.  Rar's even paranoid that someone could steal my stuff.  But... honestly... not too terribly worried about that.  Just sayin'.  

I could do character corners or post up scenes... but... i mean... *sigh* It's just not the same.  And since I want to publish the book, I can't really make it available free online.  Le sigh.  

Oh well.  Rewrites are still going quite well.  I did have a slight problem the other night where I was writing a scene with two particular characters and everything has to be JUST RIGHT with them.  It's important for everything to be just right, because he loves her SO DARN MUCH and she's just so oblivious to it.  Regardless, I couldn't write the scene because  I was irritated and I didn't want the irritation to make it into the scene.  So, it had to wait.

Honestly, a lot of times, I can push my emotions aside and focus on the emotions required of the scene... but not when I'm irritated and I need to be subtly cute--or subtly anything, really.  Subtlety is hard to do when you're in any way irked.  (Or angry, or upset, or... yeah, you get the point.)

But yeah, for the most part, I'm that person who's making faces as my characters are making them.  I honestly sat on the floor with my laptop in my lap crying as a wrote a death scene of a character.  (This was like, more than a year ago, so it's nothing I'm CURRENTLY doing.) (*SPOILER ALERT* No one actually dies in this book!)

Though... yeah... ANYWAY...

Today was Thanksgiving, and I actually spent most of today writing a paper for class.  I came into Thanksgiving with essentially, 4 papers in various stages all needing to be to varying levels of DONE by the end of the weekend.

Paper 1 was literally in the last editing stage, got finished last night and then I submitted it.  

Paper 2 had one paragraph written (which got rewritten) and then I wrote all the rest of it and submitted it tonight with just a basic level of proofreading--credit/no credit paper.  Sorry, not going to put that much effort into it with other things to write.

Paper 3 has not been started yet.  However, it's the second-easiest thing to talk about in regards to Frankenstein after "the other".  So yeah... writing of that paper will commence tomorrow...

Paper 4 only needs an outline done over Thanksgiving Break.  But... it's also an outline for a very theory-intense Marxism critique on "A Rose for Emily".  Ugh, my life as a Lit minor.  

So.. yeah... but... I'm still rewriting Book 1 in the midst of all this.  I would go insane if I didn't!

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