Monday, November 26, 2012

Nano Challenge 23-26

So, long time no post.  I know.

Thanksgiving Break happened.  And while you would think I'd have loads of time to write... I did.  Except, I was writing papers.  I had four essentially to write over the weekend.  Have I talked about this? *goes and checks previous posts* Right.  Yup.  I have.  I did get all of the papers done, except the outline, which got done earlier today.  It's cool, it's not actually due until Wednesday, my goal was to just have it done over the weekend.  Whatevs. 

So... yeah.  I pretty much didn't write for three days in a row.  I kinda started getting twitchy.  It happens.  But, I've written LOADS today to make up for it.

I broke 60K!

Also, things that have happened!

I've further developed one of my characters.  She's a minor-ish character.  However, she's an ANNOYING minor-ish character.  And, I've just made her all the more annoying.  It's really quite excellent.  She also ended up being rather shallow, a tad stupid, and a bit brain-missing... but... those people exist....

Other things that have happened....

More talk about why my main character's eyes change color, the colors they change to, and why they do that.  A particular aspect of this was rather glossed over in previous drafts and I'm going into it more now, with a level that my characters would actually nit-pick it.  (Because, Alice would.)

Also... got to talk to one of my old friends who read the original draft.  That was good, a combination of fresh and old ideas got bounced around.

Like, (not that this matters in this book, but in the sequels) why the Balls keep getting put on if bad things keep happening at them.  Oh, magik.  It's beautiful.

Magik and blackmail.  And spells and hexes.  Oh yes!

Anywho, that's all for now.

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