Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nano Challenge Days 6-7

The days of the writing sprints! Well, rather, today was.  Yesterday wasn't.  Yesterday was "catch up on everything else" day.  I front-loaded my homework before the con as much as I could.  But given the fact that my one-year-anniversary happened the day after the con ended, I didn't get much done.

Technically, this all goes under day 5, but I got my days all mixed up and didn't post it then.

We (my boyfriend and I) saw Wreck-it Ralph.  Excellent movie.  Loads and loads of layers.  Fun even if you're not a huge video-game fan like I am.

Anyway, I also have a clay TARDIS that lights up.  :)

Moving on, yesterday (Day 6), I didn't get much done because of elections and stuff.  Yay.

But, today, writing sprints! I'm... close to two days ahead of par, I think.  So yes, I've caught up.

The writing is getting easier, I guess.  Especially since the meat is already there because I've gotten to a point where I'm not completely rewriting, I'm just... editing.  

My major focus right now is character development.  I have this nice, interesting little backstory for Leah and Victoria--though neither one of them has technically been introduced in this draft.  I'm also making Alice and William more like twins and making their characters generally more rounded at this stage.  (Like, they're round in my head, but I've also written through book three.) I'm also working on Spike and Justin's characterizations.  And... sorting through Jason.  I'm making Belinda more well-rounded.  Oh, and I spent quite some time figuring out who is good with swords and who isn't.  (This matters, I swear.)

Anyway, I know some of you have no idea who any of these characters are, but I hope that one day you do!  I really enjoy this universe I've created and I hope that one day, you all can too!

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